Registration Process
- The Parent Relationship Officer takes the registration amount from the parent.
- The Parent Relationship Officer /parent fills the registration form from the registration book.
- The Parent Relationship Officer will make registration for the child through Process Manager.
- The details will be filled in the online registration form.
- A tentative time for the test/interview will be given to the parent. Parent Relationship Officers should make sure that the test is scheduled according to the comfort and the ease of the parents. Schedule the test and inform the Head Mistress/SM/ or concerned Class Teacher that they have to be present at the time of the test/interview. The date and time is entered in the online Registration process.
- Once the Update button is clicked, a Registration/System ID is generated (top right corner of the screen).
- Registration / System ID will be handwritten by the Parent Relationship Officer on the registration form.
- The registration form will serve as a receipt for the registration payment made by the parent.
- Parent Relationship Officer must close the case in Visitors Log module by setting the Close Reason as ‘Child Registered’.