Beaconhouse Advisory Council
The Beaconhouse Advisory Council (BAC) is a global advisory group responsible for advising on all matters related to the overall strategy and direction of Beaconhouse, particularly its education vision.
The BAC acts as an advocate for Beaconhouse both nationally and internationally, communicating key strategic messages, creating awareness for existing and new programmes & initiatives and showcasing Beaconhouse achievements.
The BAC will consider recommendations and offer advice on a broad range of issues relevant to the core functions of Beaconhouse and on its overall education and organizational model.
Prof Dr Ger Graus OBE
Chair, Beaconhouse Advisory Council
Dr Graus has been associated with KidZania since 2017. He was the founding Chief Executive of the Children’s University and continues to work with organisations globally, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe, the World Bank, as well as, LEGO and Discovery Education.
Kasim Kasuri
Vice Chair, Beaconhouse Advisory Council
Mr Kasuri is CEO of Beaconhouse, possibly the largest privately owned school network in the world, a position he has occupied since 2005. During this period, Mr Kasuri’s key focus has been the international development of Beaconhouse as well as the consolidation of Beaconhouse Pakistan. He is a believer of change in the educational status quo and was intimately involved in the establishment of TNS Beaconhouse, a school that challenges conventional thinking about teaching and learning. He also chairs the School of Tomorrow(SOT) Events.
Prof Maggie Atkinson
Professor Maggie Atkinson is an educator and strategic leader: first in schools, then in English local government. She has been a Director of Children’s Services and was President of the Association representing them. As Children’s Commissioner for England 2010-15, she was a statutory children’s rights champion. She is a consultant and adviser, and the independent scrutineer for 4 safeguarding children partnerships. She is Non-Executive Director in two charities, Honorary Professor at Keele University, and a reflective commentator on the world in which we raise, care for, nurture, educate and value our children.
Mosharraf Zaidi
Mr Zaidi has advised governments and international organisations on international aid, education, technology and trade. Until January 2013, he was the principal advisor to the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, where he established the Ministry’s public diplomacy unit. In 2013, he founded the Alif Ailaan campaign for education in Pakistan.
Dr Lawrence Burke
Dr Burke currently serves as the Chief Education Advisor for the Beaconhouse Group. He has worked across Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Argentina, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Fiji, along with introducing the OECD’S PISA for Schools project in Pakistan. He holds several awards and has taught various courses in a joint Master’s programme with Deakin University and the Higher Colleges of Technology.
Steve Crowley
Mr Crowley currently serves as the Chief Evaluation Advisor for the Beaconhouse Group.
Kamil Aziz
Mr Aziz currently serves as the Strategy Director for the Beaconhouse Group.
Fareeha Ahmed
Co-ordinator, Beaconhouse Advisory Council
Mrs Ahmed currently serves as the Director Education Development for the Beaconhouse Group.